Hotter than your ex, better than your next.

Jordan Easton

Name:Jordan Easton
Main muse:Lee Jeno
Side muse:Mark Lee and Jung Jaehyun
Age:Legal age
Language:Bahasa Indonesia, English, Bilingual, Sundanese
Relationship:BxG and BxB as Dominant. Boyfriend rent, Fams rent (papa and abang), Bestie rent and Hts rent.
Love language:Word of affirmation, Acts of service and Quality time
Interest:Read Au, Watch movie, Listen Music, Everything about cars and Food.

Many things to vocalize by the denomination, saccharine notions oozing newfangled memoirs appellate newfangled gallimaufries together from the diverse union. There denominated Jordan Easton: commonly known as Jo or simply Aston. Feel free to call me with anything as long as you feel comfortable with it.To start with my hallmarks, I am a good listener and a tremendous advisor. Not to mention that I will try my best to give you the most effective advice ever, I will listen to your stories and hesitations without judging you from just one point. Gua orangnya easy going dan suka cemburuan- apalagi kalau lu ngerasa nggak nyaman sama orang itu. Gue posesif kalau itu menyangkut ke hal-hal lain, apalagi kalau menyangkut kesehatan lu dan kangenan banget, jadi jangan kaget kalau seandainya gua bakal spam lu. It is something common that I usually give rewards of gifts to my partner, for every single thing that you have passed and gone through that day. Don't worry about things that we would talk about in the future, gua punya banyak topik yang bisa kita bicarain bareng nanti. Baik dari deeptalk sampai percakapan ringan biasa, sembari cuddle dan ngabisin waktu bareng-bareng. Gua bakal ngeusahain buat ngasih yang terbaik buat lu, apapun yang bikin lu nyaman dan cherished dengan setiap perlakuan gua. So, please let me know if you feel uncomfortable with anything which I do to you.Other than things that we could talk about together, I'd also be delighted to talk about our likings. To exchange what we like but also introduce each other what we desire! Dari segi film, gua suka film yang genrenya action. Kita bisa nonton bareng dan ngomongin tentang scene yang kita suka bareng. Dari musik, gua suka nge dengerin CAS, The weeknd, Arctic monkeys, The neighbourhood, Chase atlantic, Ariana grande, Taylor swift, The 1975, dan masih banyak lagi. Kita bisa hype bareng, atau sekedar ngasih rekomendasi ke satu sama lain.It's very unfortunate that the time had ceased this quickly. Though so, I hope to encounter you more often than today. I'll see you anytime soon.

I can do Dirty Talk, Stay Up Late, Spotify Session, Put Bio, Movie Date ( Rave and Loklok), Game Date ( Plato and, Imagine with bracket ( SFW / NSFW), Literate only bahasa ( SFW / NSFW), Public Display Affection, Pap Activity, Food & drink date ( Bills on Cust ), Move platform (instagram, Line), AU date.
Yang tidak terdapat di available.

Jordan Easton

1. Tolong tanya terlebih dahulu mengenai Availability saya sebelum mengisi form.
2. Available for CA/BA/FA/Rant.
3. Available for Boyfriend rent, Fams rent (Papa and Abang), Bestie rent and HTS rent.
4. Available on Twitter, Telegram, Instagram and Line.
5. Jika kamu ingin mengambil NSFW packages wajib berumur 19+ atau usia legal. Untuk NSFW saya menggunakan Local porn/Frontal.
6. Work hour dimulai pukul 10.00 - 22.00 WIB.
7. Sangat diwajibkan untuk menghargai privasi talent, tidak diperkenankan bertanya mengenai segala hal yang berhubungan dengan Real life kecuali talent yang memberitahu terlebih dahulu.
8. Diperbolehkan untuk client mengirim pap/vn dan segala yang berhubungan dengan real life tetapi client tidak boleh berekspetasi bahwa talent akan melakukan hal yang sama.
9. Tidak menerima refund dalam bentuk apapun dengan alasan yang tidak jelas.
10. Talent tidak bertanggung jawab mengenai perasaan apapun yang terjadi pada client, tetapi talent akan menghargai itu.
11. Client diperbolehkan re-rent sehari setelah masa rent sebelumnya berakhir.
12. Dilarang mengirim gambar, video atau suara yang berhubungan dengan segala hal horor.
13. Client diwajibkan untuk memberikan testimonial kepada talent setelah masa rent selesai.
14. Untuk pembayaran dilakukan via ewallet (QRIS dan Dana)

Jordan Easton

Hourly5k/hourJika sesi masih berjalan sesuai work hour
Hourly10k/hourJika sesi berjalan diluar work hour
Regular15k/daymenerima lebih dari satu client
VIP25k/daymenerima hanya satu client disemua platform dan mendapatkan semua Free service and PDA
VVIP30k/daymenerima hanya satu client disemua platform dan mendapatkan semua Free service and PDA
VVIP NSFW35k/daymenerima hanya satu client disemua platform, mendapatkan semua Free service, PDA, Free dirty talk/Imagine (lit/non lit/bracket, choose one) NSFW)
ONS+Dirty talk20k/session 

Saya hanya menerima satu client untuk VIP dan VVIP Packages dan menerima 2 client untuk hourly dan reguler.

1. Request face claim
2. Request typing
3. Request personality
4. Request petname
5. Spotify session (for VIP and VVIP)
1. Stay Up Late: 5k/hours
2. Spotify Session: 5k/session
3. Put Bio + PDA: 4k/day
4. Movie Date ( Rave and Loklok): 8k/movie
5. Game Date ( Plato and 4k/hours
6. Imagine with bracket ( SFW / NSFW): 5k/session
7. Literate only bahasa ( SFW / NSFW): 8k/session
8. Pap Activity in real life: 5k/day
9. Food Date/Drink Date ( Bills on you, ask me first)
10. Reading date (Au): 10K/300 tweets / 100 chapters (ask me first)

Jordan Easton

I. Customer
Name + username: (Preferably with Twitter @)
Your Faceclaim:
Account type: (CA/BA/FA/Rant.)
Status: (Minor/Major/Legal)
Position: (Dom/Sub/Switch)
Your love language:
Description about you: (Please fill in the details so that I can know more about you)
II. Talent
Talent's name:
Talent's Faceclaim:
Relationship: (BxG, BxB or BxNB)
Position: Dominant.
Should do:
Should'nt do:
Typing: (aku-kamu, saya-kamu, nama-nama, dll), (lowercase, sentence case, neat)
Language: (Bil/Full Ind/Sundanese)
Duration Rental :
Rent Start From : (DD/MM) (WIB/WITA/WIT)
Platform + id:
Do the free adds: Yes / No
VIP and VVIP benefits: Yes / No
PDA: Yes / No
Adds On:
Dirty talk/imagine:
Do for NSFW:
Don't for NSFW:
PDA: Yes / No
Note for NSFW: